
テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス 広報部blog


「日ロ関係」専門家 TUJ上級准教授ジェームズ・ブラウンが初の日本語で特別講義



北アイルランド・ベルファストで生まれ、英国、アイルランド二つの国籍を持つテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)国際関係学科 上級准教授ジェームズ・ブラウン。母国でアイルランド紛争を若い頃から見てきた中で、国際関係に興味を持ったのがきっかけとか。公務員だった父親がソ連崩壊後のロシア連邦支援の仕事をしていたことから、ロシアには縁が深かった、といいます。


日ロ関係の専門家であるブラウンが7月10日、昭和女子大学人間社会学部 現代教養学科主催の特別講義、第12回国際関係論グローバル・セミナーにゲスト講師として招かれ、オンライン登壇しました。セミナーを主催された同大教授の志摩園子先生から要請があり、国際関係以外の専攻で普段英語での授業にあまり馴染みのない学生さんたちも参加できるようにと、ブラウンにとって、今回初めて日本語も交えたレクチャーとなりました。








レクチャーの後、ブラウンは自身の経験も踏まえ「外国語を学ぶ上で一番の敵は、間違いを恐れること」として、参加学生の皆さんに呼びかけて英語での質問を奨励すると、複数から手が上がり、”An excellent question(いい質問ですね)” ”impressive(素晴らしい)”とコメント。闊達なQ&Aセッションとなり、今回の授業交流/特別講義はブラウンにとっても「本当に緊張して、汗が出てきました」と、日本語レクチャーデビューの貴重な機会となりました。




昭和女子大の学生と日本語で交流!— 論文発表&意見交換 (The TUJ and Showa Women’s University Japanese language exchange )


By Joseph Esteban, senior Japanese major


TUJ 日本語キャップストーン(卒業研究)クラスは、TUJで日本語を専攻する学生にとっての最後のステップだ。この秋、TUJキャンパスは麻布十番から三軒茶屋に移転し、昭和女子大学との新しい交流の機会も増えた。そして、11月13日と14日に、松橋由佳先生の日本語キャップストーンクラスの学生は、新しいTUJキャンパスに隣接する昭和女子大学の日本語日本文学科の学生と交流した。


この交流の目的は、TUJの学生が、現代の日本に関する社会的および文化的問題に関して個別に取り組んでいる論文テーマを発表することだった。TUJの学生が選んだテーマには、トランスジェンダーやLGBTQ、タトゥー、農業などの日本社会に関連する多くのテーマが含まれていた。 学生は、研究論文の発表を練習することだけではなく、同世代の日本人学生の意見や視点、価値観を知ることもできた。交流は非常に有意義なもので、今後もこのような機会があれば是非参加したいと感じた。


The TUJ Japanese Capstone class is the final step for students who are pursuing a Japanese major at TUJ, and this fall with the relocation of the TUJ campus to Showa Women’s University (SWU) in Sangen-jaya from Azabu Juban, new doors have been opened to the students who are drawing near to the end of their Japanese major program at TUJ. On November 13 and 14, students in Professor Yuka Matsuhashi’s Japanese Capstone class had an exchange with students from SWU Department of Japanese Language and Literature.


The purpose of the exchange was for TUJ students to propose their individually selected thesis themes regarding social and cultural issues present in modern day Japan. Themes selected by the TUJ students included transgender and LGBTQ, tattoos, agriculture, and many other themes related to Japanese society. Students not only received input on their thesis themes, but also heard the perspectives of Japanese students. The exchange with SWU students was a rich and rewarding experience for the TUJ students.




Temple Alumna Inspires Tsukuba Student Athletes (元学生アスリートの米テンプル大学職員が筑波大学で特別講義)

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(English text to follow)






By John Szalas, student writer and junior International Affairs major

In recent years the Japanese government has begun reforming  its collegiate athletic institutes to create a single governing organization similar to the NCAA in the United States. Currently Japanese college level sports are treated more like clubs operated under federations of each sport and have no nationwide level of organization or support. Taking its own initiative for this, the University of Tsukuba, a school famous for producing many famous athletes and experts in various fields, is collaborating with Temple University’s Philadelphia  Main Campus to learn what the America’s system is like and adapt practices which might best work in Japan. In the future, students from Tsukuba may have the opportunity to go to Temple’s Main Campus to see how the athletics program operates.


On December 12, the University of Tsukuba invited a former athlete and staff member of Temple’s athletic department to give a lecture in their credit-bearing lecture series. The lecture series is organized by Tsukuba’s Athletic Department and open to all students as an elective where they can hear from former athletes and various experts in the sports industry. Alyssa Drachslin is a Temple alumna who led Temple’s volleyball team during her time as a student. At Temple, she was named Female Scholar Athlete of the Year in 2016. After graduating she decided she wanted to improve the athletic department to make sure future student athletes can not only succeed in school and sports, but also in a career afterwards. Currently she works for Temple’s Athletic Department as a Coordinator for Leadership and Professional Development. Her lecture was about her athletic experience, the NCAA, and how Temple manages and supports its own student athletes.


University of Tsukuba Athletic Department’s Mr. Shinzo Yamada (left) and Temple University’s Alyssa Drachslin (right)

She started off her lecture explaining about the structure of the NCAA. It organizes, regulates, and supports various sports. She also discussed how the NCAA organizes collegiate sports programs into tiered divisions and how this supports students. Division 1 schools are larger, have bigger budgets, and offer more athletic scholarships. Temple University qualifies as a Division 1 university.


Drachslin went on to explain the lifestyle most college student athletes have, as well as some programs which support them. One such program is called Verified, which helps students focus on career goals as they juggle their athletic, academic and other commitments. A new program Drachslin has helped create is the Temple Flight Leadership Academy, which helps students hone teamwork, communication, and leadership skills they develop through sports, and then apply those to future careers. While sports are a high priority for student athletes, Temple makes sure they are prepared for the world after Temple.


Hopefully Drachslin’s lecture will inspire students to help create such programs as Temple has and envision their future career in various paths. Megumi Kameyama, a Tsukuba cheerleader and freshman in Library Sciences thought “it’s great for former athletes like Alyssa to work for Temple and support the organization that helped her succeed.”

Personally, I would say the lecture was successful since many students gave Drachslin a positive reception. Reforming the organization of collegiate athletics may lead to the further development of sports in Japan, and to even more success in the Olympics and other sporting events. The Olympic Games in summer 2020 in Tokyo may provide us a chance to see.



<Student writer>  John Szalas is studying International Affairs at TUJ in order to gain a better understanding of the international world to make it a better place. He speaks English, Hungarian, and soon to be Japanese. John also makes a mean chicken and dumplings😉


「多様性時代の学生サポート — 教職協働の観点から」日米アカデミックフォーラムを開催


テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス (TUJ) は9月21日、大学教職員・関係者を対象に、日米アカデミックフォーラム「多様性時代の学生サポート — 教職協働の観点から」を昭和女子大学と共催しました。当日は会場となった昭和女子大学三軒茶屋キャンパスに、大学、教育、企業・団体、報道各分野の関係者含め、全国から160人が参集しました。


















フィラデルフィアから 使節団がTUJを訪問!



