
テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス 広報部blog

Speaking Out : Forced Marriages — TUJ to screen “Sonita” (TUJでUNHCR難民映画祭学校パートナー上映会)


(English text to follow)

日に日に春の足音が近づいてくる気配が感じられるようになりました。「わくわく」する気持ちは、前へ進む原動力になりますね。先日フォーブス・ジャパンの記事(『今の仕事に「わくわく」していますか? 日本の女性を動かした10の瞬間』)で紹介されていたうちのお一人、日本人女性初の国連事務次官・中満泉さんは、国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)からそのキャリアをスタート。また、元NHKのフリーアナウンサー有働由美子さんは、”難民は遠い存在”でありニュースを読むたびに心に引っかかるものがあったそうで、NHK退職後に南スーダンを訪れたとのこと。日本を代表する「セルフメイドウーマン」10人のうち、2人から「難民」というキーワードが…。


学生ライター ブリッタニー・マドックスさん(コミュニケーション学科)がリポートします。

by Brittanie Maddox, Communication Studies major


For the second season in a row, Temple University Japan partnered with the UNHCR Refugee Film Festival and screened the inspirational documentary “Sonita,” the winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Price and Audience Award in 2017. On March 1 students and guests, including students from Showa Women’s University, enjoyed snacks and drinks as they watched this incredible film that highlighted the life of an aspiring Afghani female rapper working against forced-marriage traditions.


The event kicked off with a greeting to the audience by George Miller, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who acknowledged the great work of the UNHCR and their positive impact in the lives of refugees. Then TUJ professor Irene Herrera took the stand and reminded everyone that “even though the past couple of years have witnessed a rise in women’s voices being heard, we still have so much more to do.” Herrera spoke about the glass-ceiling and gender disparity that women often face and then praised the director of “Sonita” for spotlighting this young woman’s story.




”TUJ Student Film Festival” class helped out this UNHCR Refugee Film Festival School Partners screening event on March 1

** TUJ Student Film Festival is coming up on Friday, April 12.


<student writer>

Brittanie Maddox is a first semester Communication Studies student at TUJ, and a US veteran hailing from Los Angeles. An avid lover of cartoons, Brittanie is taking her perseverance and skill to Japan for a future in film and media.


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